UK Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner , Annual Report 2019-2020. (Link)
Financial Reporting Council, UK Stewardship Code. (Link)
Australian Strategic, Policy Institute Uyghurs for Sale. (Link)
Themis Briefing Note: Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. (Link)
The Danish Institute for Human Rights, Handbook on Human Rights Impact Assessment. (Link)
OSCE, Following the Money: Compendium of Resources and Step-by-Step Guide to Financial Investigations Related to Trafficking in Human Beings. (Link)
OECD, Due Diligence for Responsible Corporate Lending and Securities Underwriting: Key considerations for banks implementing the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. (Link)
Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner Strategic Plan 2019-2021. (Link)
ILO, Business responsibility on preventing and addressing forced labour in Malaysia. (Link)
GRI, Advancing modern slavery reporting to meet stakeholder expectations. (Link)
FAST Initiative, Financial Investigations Tool. (Link)
FAST Initiative, Final Report of the Liechtenstein Initiative's Financial Sector Commission on Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking. (Link)
FAST Initiative, Secretariat Briefing Paper 2: Tackling Modern Slavery And Human Trafficking At Scale Through Financial Sector Leverage. (Link)
Ergon, Ethical, Fair, Responsible, Dignified... recruitment. (Link)
RUSI , Leaning In: Advancing the Role of Finance Against Modern Slavery. (Link)
RRT, Achieving Responsible Recruitment in Global Supply Chains. (Link)
FATF, Financial Flows from Human Trafficking. (Link)
AAFA, Apparel & Footwear Industry Commitment to Responsible Recruitment. (Link)
RUSI, Disrupting Human Trafficking: The Role of Financial Institutions. (Link)
NYU, Stern Center for Business and Human Rights Putting the "S" in ESG: Measuring Human Rights Performance for Investors. (Link)
IHRB, Fees and IDs: Tackling recruitment fees and confiscation of workers’ passports. (Link)
FCA, The Financial Lives of Consumers across the UK. (Link)
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Modern Slavery Reporting: Case Studies of Leading Practice. (Link)
Walk Free, Tool 3: Risk Screening Tool. (Link)
Ethical Trading Initiative, Corporate Leadership on Modern Slavery: How have companies responded to the UK Modern Slavery Act one year on? (Link)
CIPD, On the brink of a game-changer? Building sustainable partnerships between companies and voluntary organisations. (Link)
ILO, Profits and Poverty: The Economics of Forced Labour, ILO, 2014. (Link)
GRI, G4 Financial Services Sector Disclosures. (Link)
Traffik Analysis Hub. (Link)
Shift, Using Leverage in Business Relationships to Reduce Human Rights Risks. (Link)
Responsible Sourcing Tool, Explore risk. (Link)
Resources for Responsible Recruitment. (Link)
Just Security, When Human Trafficking and Terrorism Connect: Dangers and Dilemmas. (Link)
Financial Capability, What Works Programme. (Link)
Ethical Trading Initiative, ETI Base Code. (Link)
HM Government, National Referral Mechanism Statistics UK, End of Year Summary, 2019. (Link)
HM Government, Slavery and human trafficking in supply chains: guidance for businesses. (Link)
HM Government, Independent Review of the Modern Slavery Act 2015: Final Report. (Link)
NCA, National Strategic Assessment of Serious and Organised Crime. (Link)
HM Government, 2018 UK Annual Report on Modern Slavery. (Link)
HM Government, Modern Slavery Act 2015. (Link)
NCA, Suspicious Activity Reports. (Link)
Equator Principles , Guidance note on implementation of human rights assessment under Equator Principles. (Link)
IFC, Good Practice Note: Managing Risks Associated with Modern Slavery. (Link)
Barclays, Barclays Group Statement on Modern Slavery. (Link)
HSBC, No Fixed Address Programme. (Link)
Lloyds Banking Group, Banking for Homeless People. (Link)
Lloyds Banking Group, Lloyds Bank Foundation. (Link)
Monzo, Banking For All: Let's Remove the Barriers to Banking. (Link)
Thomson Reuters Foundation, Banks Alliance Against Trafficking. (Link)
Thomson Reuters Foundation, The Stop Slavery Award. (Link)
Cooperative Bank, My Money, My Life. (Link)
BankTrack, The BankTrack Human Rights Benchmark 2019. (Link)
HSBC, HSBC Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement 2018. (Link)
Investor Forum, Modern Slavery: Toolkit for Investor Due Diligence (Link)
Boohoo plc, Independent Review into the Boohoo Group PLC’s Leicester supply chain. (Link)
Investor Alliance for Human Rights, The Investor Case for Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence. (Link)
Investor Forum, Stewardship 360. (Link)
Rathbones, Engage with FTSE 350 companies failing to comply with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. (Link)
BIICL and PRI, Human Rights in Private Equity Investment. (Link)
CCLA, Find it, Fix it, Prevent it. (Link)
CDC Group, Modern Slavery Good Practice Note. (Link)
Share Action, Promoting Good Work. (Link)
UN Principles for Responsible Investment, Human Rights and Labour Standards. (Link)
HERA, Her Economic Rights and Autonomy. (Link)
Kalyaan (Link)
Migrant Help (Link)
Snowdrop Project, Survivor Empowerment (Link)
Tribe Freedom Foundation (Link)
Volunteering Matters, Why does Employee volunteering matter to our corporate and community partners? (Link)
World Bank, Understanding Poverty: Financial Inclusion. (Link)
Young Enterprise, Financial Education. (Link)
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